Discipline and respect are integral to martial arts. We all want to train in an environment where we can push and improve ourselves. Our people make our club, and it is important that all members conduct themselves accordingly.
Come in ready to listen and engage.
It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from: we love training with anyone who wants to come in and try our style. A good attitude will take you a long way. We acknowledge that etiquette is different across styles and clubs
Respect all members.
Whether you’re an absolute newbie or a seasoned veteran, we all make mistakes. They’re often a sign of trying something new, and no one should ever feel afraid of failing in our club. Everyone is at a different point in their martial arts journey, and disrespect on any basis will not be tolerated.
Respect the instructor.
Whoever is the senior rank will lead the class. It is important to treat this person with the utmost respect and give them authority to run the session, regardless of whether or not they are a black belt. (I cannot guarantee your safety from burpee sets if you do not heed my warning.)
Don’t break rank.
It’s important to show discipline and respect by sticking to the training session the instructor has given you. We don’t talk or move when lined up, and make sure you don’t speak over an instructor when they’re giving instruction.
The Water Rule
Our discipline extends to how we take water breaks. As a rule of thumb, you wait for the instructor to say “grab a quick drink” before moving towards your bottle.
Be presentable and hygienic.
Show up in a clean uniform or exercise clothes
Fingernails AND toenails trimmed and filed (no sharp bits, the most common cause of spilled blood in our club is an unruly nail)
You will be in very close proximity to people, make sure you’re in a state where you and your partner will be comfortable.